Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ahmed Karam in Ankara, Turkey

I would like to say that I am so glad because I have managed to achieve one of my goals which was to travel to turkey.

I had a great time with AIESEC Ankara and I had the chance to see different cultures and interact with different people.

I learned about their language and culture and we taught them ours.

My project was called the “International Taxi drivers”, in which we worked with other 9 interns from Egypt, China, Indonesia, Poland, Nigeria, and Bahrain

I learned a lot of things, of which is the most important was how to organize your project and that a person must be proactive and learn from previous mistakes

And I learned that if your project is related to a big organization like AIESEC, you must put different plans in mind, in case anything went wrong in the future.

Because problems happen suddenly, and sometimes you need to handle them as fast as possible to avoid any losses.

In my case, there was a problem that the drivers were not flexible with learning a new language and solving such a problem needed a lot of thinking and planning and was very challenging. And I am sure if we had enough time, we could have managed to come up with a great strategy and help the manager avoid such problems on the longterm.

I cannot wait to go through this experience again and go on an internship somewhere else with AIESEC. I learned and gained a lot of experience

Finally, I want to thank both AIESEC Cairo University and AIESEC Ankara and I am looking forward to continuing my AIESEC experience

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Alaa El Sayed & Soumaya Zahran in Nanjing, China

“People never learn anything by being told, they have to find out for themselves.”

We will start with the end. YES we've been to China, and hell yeah … CHINA IS MAGNIFICENT!!

I’m Alaa El Sayed, Senior year in Computer Science in The British University & I'm Soumaya  Zahran in Business Information System Helwan University. 

We actually call it “China Chapter”.  It was a life time experience, we've been through a lot, good & bad times, no words will be ever enough to describe or talk about such a great experience, it's a life changing one. No matter how long we write or speak about it, we will never be able to express our feelings regarding this internship, one just has to LIVE IT !

Our project was about culture, we had to represent Egypt in every 
possible way, through costumes, flyers, brochures, music, even language :D. 

Despite the 
difficulty to communicate with Chinese people, we managed to do it, even by pointing or signing or even dancing :D. They learned a lot about our traditions and culture, and we did as well. Not only Chinese culture, we've learned a lot about different cultures like Russian, German, Canadian, American, Brazilian, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese, Finish, Italian, Indonesian as we lived and work with people from all of these countries. It's a very good thing to have a friend in each of those countries. We learned that we, youth all around the world, want the same things eventually, just in different packages. Having different beliefs and values and sticking to them, doesn't mean you can't enjoy what you are doing and this is living the 
culture DIVERSITY ! 

Then the adventure moved to another phase… The Kinder Garden!!                                                                        

What was good about this internship is that we experienced working in more than one field, we started with the cultural project in the "Chinese Amusement Park" . We got to work in a Kinder garden where we dealt with very cute Chinese children who surprised us with knowing some basic English ! :D

We were so lucky that we had the chance to work as a CEED with AIESEC-NJU, where we had a great experience. We got to help with interviewing new AIESEC members, and we took part in more than one conference in different cities like Shanghai as facilitators and as delegates in Nanjing conference.


Let’s just don’t mention the food as it was a sensitive issue.
We didn’t really suffer that much, we managed to overcome this problem    apparently since we are still alive *Yeay*. Seriously no worries.. you will survive, we are just joking haha.

Our project was in Nanjing city but who would go to China without visiting Beijing the capital city and Shanghai? Here are some of our great  memories, best unforgettable moments and good friends.

China was a life changing experience and going through it with a friend together was one hell of an adventure with its ups and downs, good and bad times, meeting new people, depending completely on ourselves, following our dreams, learning new stuff in the other side of the world and living DIVERSITY.

This was actually our best summer and the fact that we now have a home in each country gives us an indescribable feeling <3. We will never ever forget such an amazing experience and we already miss everything there, people and the places.

Big & huge thanks to AIESEC CU ! :* 

 The End of the Chapter…